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Language peer sets for Perlis and Smith string command language:
United States
United States/1958
Designed 1958
1950s languages
Second generation
Early Cold War
Genus IAL Coeval
String and List Processing
IAL Coeval
Generation of Algol 58/IAL
Algol family
IAL Coeval/1958
Generation of Algol 58/IAL/1958
Algol family/1958
IAL Coeval/United States
Generation of Algol 58/IAL/United States
Algol family/United States
String and List Processing
String and List Processing/1958
String and List Processing/us

Perlis and Smith string command language(ID:7393/per009)

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1958
Genus: IAL Coeval
Sammet category: String and List Processing

Perlis and Smith at Carnegie Institute of Technology

Proposed string language, recast as a string-based Algol 58 and thence as Formula Algol

Related languages
Perlis and Smith string command language Formula ALGOL   Evolution of
Perlis and Smith string command language Wegstein string Algol   Incorporated some features of

  • Perlis, A. J. and Smith, J. W. (1958) Perlis, A. J. and Smith, J. W. "A command language for handling strings of symbols" Extract: Introduction
          in [ACM] (1958) Preprints of papers presented at the 13th national meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery, June 11-13, 1958, Urbana, Illinois
  • Smith, Joseph W. (1960) Smith, Joseph W. "Syntactic and semantic augments to ALGOL" pp211-213 Abstract DOI
          in [ACM] (1960) [ACM] CACM 3(04) April 1960
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